Getting Started with Amp

back to overview 0 comments Niklas Keller php, amphp, async, promises

amphp/amp is a non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP. It allows writing non-blocking asynchronous code in a performant and readable way.

Event Loop

While your script isn’t calculating anything, it’s usually waiting for I/O, such as a database result or external HTTP request. In an event loop with non-blocking I/O, this time can be used to allow other tasks executing their calculations. To make this possible, we need exactly two things:

In PHP there’s no native task scheduler like we have in Javascript engines, therefore it has to be implemented in PHP. Amp provides multiple implementations of a so-called Reactor. There’s a NativeReactor that is implemented in pure PHP, but there are also other implementations using extensions underneath. There’s more information about the different implementations in the official documentation. Extension based reactor implementations are important when you’re dealing with tens of thousands of watchers, but the native implementation might be faster with just a few watchers.

Regarding our second point, both options are possible with Amp. The issue with callbacks is that they’re not that readable and you end up in a callback hell. With PHP’s Generators, which were introduced in PHP 5.5, it’s not only possible to use them as iterators, but also to create pause- and resumable functions. Nikita Popov wrote a excellent blog post about using them for cooperative multitasking. Whenever you yield a Promise in an Amp context, the task scheduler will give other tasks execution time and resume when the yielded Promise resolves.


Amp\Promise is the basic unit for concurrency with Amp. Promises are placeholders for values or tasks that aren’t yet complete. You can find more about promises in the documentation. What’s important for now is just the when method. Basically, code using promises will look like this:

$promise = asyncTask(...);
$promise->when(function($error, $result) {
	if ($error) {
		// handle exception
	} else {
		// handle result

The callback will be executed when the asyncTask resolves and actually turns into a value or errors. Amp uses error-first callbacks for promises, because almost every async task can fail and it’s too easy to miss the error case otherwise. $result will be the value the promise resolved to. But wait, didn’t we want to avoid that callback hell? When you’re in an Amp context, you can simply yield the promise to wait for it:

$promise = asyncTask(...);

try {
	$result = (yield $promise);
} catch (MyException $e) {
	// handle exception

Isn’t that a lot nicer already? It’s almost like synchronous code – except for that single yield keyword. The advantage of using generators might become more obvious when you’re dealing with multiple consecutive asynchronous tasks where you would otherwise end up with something like:

$promise = asyncTask(...);
$promise->when(function($error, $result) {
	if ($error) {
		// handle exception
	} else {
		$promise = asyncTask2(...);
		$promise->when(function(...) {
			// ...

For more advanced use cases, there are combinators to wait for multiple promises at once.

Amp context and finally a "Hello World"

I already mentioned using yield in an Amp context, but what’s that actually? The task scheduler can only manage tasks it knows about. There are multiple places where generators yielding promises are automatically resolved:


Amp\run actually starts the event loop and hands over control to it. Once invoked, it keeps running until no more timer events, I/O streams or signal watchers are active or Amp\stop is invoked. Long-running applications generally execute entirely inside of a single Amp\run.

Amp\run(function() {
	Amp\once(function() {
		Amp\stop(); // stops the event loop and continues with code after the Amp\run call
	}, 5000);

	Amp\repeat(function() {
		print "Hello\n"; // print a message every second until the event loop is stopped
	}, 1000);

// code here is not invoked until the event loop stops


Amp\resolve turns an existing generator into a Promise and resolves it.

function asyncTask() {
	$foo = yield asyncTaskFoo(...);
	// this is a workaround to allow generator returns prior to PHP 7
	yield new Amp\CoroutineResult($foo); // with PHP 7: return $foo;

$generator = asyncTask();
$promise = Amp\resolve($generator);


Amp\coroutine is similar, but it turns a callable into a Promise which makes it useful for callbacks which need the resolve mechanism.

$subscriber->on("event", coroutine(function() {
	// amp context here

These are the basic components for using async libraries based on Amp, but there’s more if you want to write your own libaries.

Promisors and Deferreds

Amp\Promisor is responsible for resolving future values once they become available. Amp\Deferred is the standard implementation of Amp\Promisor. Once an asynchronous task is invoked, a new Deferred object is created and the corresponding Promise is returned as result of the function invocation.

stream_set_blocking(STDIN, false);

function prompt($message) {
	$promisor = new Amp\Deferred;

	print "{$message}: ";

    // Watch STDIN for input
    Amp\onReadable(STDIN, function($watcherId, $stream) use ($promisor) {

	return $promisor->promise();

Amp\run(function() {
	$username = (yield prompt("username"));
	$username = trim($username);

	print "\n\nHello {$username}!\n\n";


Generators make it easier to write readable code and PHP 7 even improves them with yield from, return expressions and removes the need for parenthesis when using yield in an expression. Asynchronous programming with non-blocking I/O is still a very new concept in PHP, but hopefully it will gain more attention in the next few years.